show man meaning in Chinese
- Thought is a mirror ; it shows man the ugliness and the beauty within him
思考是一面镜子;它让人看到其自身的美和丑。 - Other statistics show men have a general laxsidasical attitude towards health issues
另有统计数据表明,男性不够关注自己的健康状况。 - " a recent study showed men photos of women in a workplace with large breasts showing cleavage , medium breasts and small breasts
最近一个研究中,提供给男人看处于工作环境里女人暴露大奶,中奶或小奶的照片。 - 16 " when you fast , do not look somber as the hypocrites do , for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting
16你们禁食的时候,不可像那假冒为善的人,脸上带著愁容;因为他们把脸弄得难看,故意叫人看出他们是禁食。 - Studies show men are better at hitting 6 ) targets and 7 ) solving math problems while women are better at 8 ) memorizing words and 9 ) recognizing faces